Monday, April 21, 2008


OK, here's Jen and Nate. Now you can see what he looks like...Ta da!
As for the rest of us...OK so does anyone else feel like this is the winter that would not end? ACK! Enough of that! No more dwelling on the weather!
Bathroom update - yes we've been remodeling the bathroom, which started last SEPTEMBER. The dry walling is all done...FINALLY! Which means I can sand and paint and then install crap and get the kids OUT OF MY BATHROOM! Ok done with that rant, which is not aimed at my children, BTW, just at their father.


~*Jen*~ said...

So what you're saying is I'll be put to work painting while you guys are gone.......LOL ;)

Speaking of paint, are you still sticking with the same color that we picked back in August?

Mel said...

yup! Apricot!

Carrie said...

I agree on the weather part!!!! It's almost May and I'm still wearing my winter clothes cause its only 50 degress if we're lucky!!!!!

Mel said...

I know!!! I keep thinking, "ok Heavenly Father, thank you for the moisture, but would you mind so much if you made it rain and not snow?" But he's the boss!!!:)