Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Nana and Granpa

Just a little note about the little ones. Katelyn has been with us this weekend. She's such a busy girl, makes me tired. She drives me nuts when she's here but I miss her when she's gone. Go figure. She'll be 3 this month, and is talking up a storm. Yesterday she ran up to me, "Nana I cold!" with her arms wrapped around her. I tried to get her to snuggle with me to warm her up, but she can't sit still for more than 5 seconds. So she jumped off my lap and ran to Dell, "Granpa I cold!" She's a fun girl.

This is Jack-Jack. He turned 1 in January, so he's much bigger now. He's already taking after his father in teasing everyone. We went to Lava Hotsprings the first weekend in April with everyone, and I got to feed Jack-Jack. What an appetite! Holy cow the little monster almost ate my finger! He says,"hi" and when he wants something he doesn't say please he says, "thank you, thank you." until he gets it. He kept poking my dog, Shay, in the eye, (because they are so facinating) and Jess would say, "Be soft!" and he would give her a hug, and then poke her in the eye again. Funny kid.

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